WEATHER UPDATE! Due to inclement weather, Mercy Hill will not meet on February 16th.
Sundays at 10:02am
Mercy Hill Church
6312 Kennedy Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45213
When you come to Mercy Hill, you can expect warm and welcoming faces — everyone will be happy to meet you, your friends, and your family. Our Sunday morning gatherings typically last from 10:02am until 11:10-20am, and they are full of edifying teaching from the Bible and genuine, authentic worship in song.
On a more logistical side of things, parking is located south (across the street) and east of the building, as well as on the surrounding streets. Don’t worry if you don’t know your cardinal directions — there will be signs to guide you!
We will also have free coffee ready for you when you walk in our doors, as well as a gift bag for you when you head out. We hope you feel encouraged and loved after coming to Mercy Hill.
We are so pumped to meet your kids!
Our amazing Mercy Hill Kids team is here to come alongside parents and caregivers in the discipleship process. We'll provide a fun, safe, age-appropriate environment where children can learn about Jesus and the hope of the Gospel in developmentally appropriate ways.
Currently, our kids ministry is equipped for ages 6 months through 10 years old.